Feng Shui Natural Crystal Stone Kuan Yin Pendant (Without String)


Material: Natural Stone.


Cleansing Method: Before using Feng Shui Natural Crystal Stone Kuan Yin Pendant, wash the crystal stone under water, dry it with clean cloth, then leave them in the sun from 11am – 1pm. This recharges the crystal stone with sunlight and disperses and releases existing old energies. Burn the sandalwood cone incense and cleanse the product front & back with its smoke for 2 mins after then only wear it. Do this cleansing process in an open space like balcony with 3 sandalwood incense sticks twice a month. Leave it under full moon every month (Don’t place it out during any Full Moon eclipse month).

Feng Shui Natural Crystal Stone Kuan Yin Pendant will assist those trying to overcome depression, grief, relationship issues, family drama, illness, death of loved ones and other major obstacles in life. It will protect from many things, one being the bad intentions of those who surround you. It will disperse any negative energy from external influences arousing from jealousy or hatred, and balance it out with positive and harmonious vibes. It will use the negative energy and convert it into energy which can heal, and saves it for future use.
It will heal your mind by balancing your thinking methods and rejuvenating the chi within your being. By balancing the energies of the spirit, body and mind, you will be able to think clearly and achieve a sense of tranquility and self-harmony. Both your concentration and memory capabilities will be enhanced, creativity and inspiration in students.
It brings harmony, attract good luck and friendship and promotes self-sufficiency. It also increases fidelity, trustworthiness, nurturing and love that can be used to harmonize dysfunctional relationships. It helps discard irritability and negative thoughts, and soothes the mind as well as stimulates ideas. It is excellent for healing feelings of guilt.
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